Bollywood star Akshay Kumar announced a new upcoming game called FAU-G, which created a storm of billion searches over YouTube and Google within the last 24 hours. It was no official announcement event, but actually it was just a Tweet from Akshay Kumar’s verified Twitter handle, and that’s it.
Most of the details about FAU-G is still unknown, and most of the details roaming around are nothing but rumors, speculations, and hundreds of fake news.
I have searched all over YouTube but still, I was not able to find any official Trailer or Teaser of the upcoming game FAU-G. Though there are many channels who uploaded trailers of the game, the truth is all of them are fake or fan-made.
I do not why millions of viewers fall for such tricks and end up doing like, comment, and subscribe to those videos & channels. But, that is not our topic for this article, but then also just to clarify let me give you an example.
In the above screenshot, you can see that there is a YouTube channel named after the FAU-G (Fearless and United Guards), which also has an nCORE Games logo in DP. This channel has only one video posted 14 hours ago, but it already has 5K+ subs at the time of the screenshot. But this channel is a fake one, and the video as well. If you are one of those who thought of this video to be the original FAU-G trailer, in reality, it was the launch trailer of PUBG PC Karakin Map. So, do not fall for such fake channels and fake videos. But seriously the funniest part was for me reading the comments under the video, where more than 500 people believed this trailer to be true and appreciated it.
So let me assure that there are no official trailer or official teaser or motion poster anything launched for the game. There is only one image of the game is available officially which you can see on Akshay Kumar’s Twitter handle and that’ it.
Supporting PM @narendramodi’s AtmaNirbhar movement, proud to present an action game,Fearless And United-Guards FAU-G. Besides entertainment, players will also learn about the sacrifices of our soldiers. 20% of the net revenue generated will be donated to @BharatKeVeer Trust #FAUG
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) September 4, 2020
So, let’s try to forget all you know about FAU-G, and sum it up with all the authentic details we know about this game till date i.e 5th Sept 2020.
All we Know about FAU-G Developers, Publisher, and Investors
- FAU-G is going to be developed by nCORE Games, which is an India based mobile game development company. You can even see the that Mr.Akshay Kumar himself tagged Vishal Gondal and nCore Games in his FAU-G announcement tweet.
- Vishal Gondal was the founder of India Games, and they used to develop games for pre-smartphone era mobile games. You can recall the games from Nokia feature phones, and in that era, India Games was a popular mobile game development company, which was later taken over by Disney.
- nCORE Games is pretty new in the market, and they do not have any games developed yet now. So, we really do not know what to expect from them. Apart from that in India, there are no AAA games developed and published any Indian company before so we really do not know how good or bad it is going to be.
- Why Akshay Kumar announced the game, there can be mainly two reasons. One is “maybe” Akshay Kumar is investing in the project hence he is doing the honor of announcing the game. The other reason is, “maybe” nCORE Games choose Akshay Kumar for his popularity to announce the game so that people get excited about this, and nCORE Games can analyze the market and how big the fish is before starting with the production phase.
FAU-G Development FAU-G launch date
- If you pay attention closely to the posted FAU-G announcement images, you can clearly see that the image is very much inspired by the Counter Strike Global Offensive title image. I am not criticizing nCore Games for taking inspiration for the announcement image and the name from other popular games, but we can tell one thing for sure, that the game is still not under development yet. Yes, this is my deduction from all confirmed data we have in hand.
- There is no conformity over the FAU-G launch date, as the project is still under the pre-production stage.
- nCore Games is a mobile game development company, so one thing is for sure that the FAU-G is going to be a mobile game. Though with rising opportunities nCore game can become the first PC game development company as well, in India the Mobile gaming market is enormously huge, so the first big made in India game title it ought to be on the Mobile platform for sure.
FAU-G Gameplay
- The full form of FAU-G is going to be “fearless and United Guards”. But seriously the naming of FAU-G gives us a PUBG vibe, where no other PUBG Mobile alternative BR game gives us such vibe.
- As we do not know much about the game, so it is not confirmed whether it is going to be a Multiplayer game or a single-player game. We also do not know if this game is going to feature a Story mode campaign gameplay or Battle Royal gameplay like PUBG. But, as the name is inspired by PUBG itself, and the announcement image is inspired by Counter-Strike, so we can assume that FAU-G is going to be a multiplayer Battle Royal game.
- There are absolutely no details or footage available related to the FAU-G gameplay or FAU-G graphics, so we can not confirm anything now. The leaks and rumors out there are also very vague and not worth mentioning.
- But it has been confirmed by Akshay Kumar’s FAU-G announcement tweet, that the game would involve the Indian Army as a part of the game, also people would learn various brave stories and historical facts about the Indian Army through the game.
- Also, 20% of the revenue of the FAU-G would be donated to BharatKeVeer trust fund headed by the Home Ministry of India, which is really a noble target to achieve.
- FAU-G specifications are not out there, as FAU-G is still under pre-development, so nothing can be confirmed on this matter, but if your device is able to play PUBG, then FAU-G would also work fine for sure.
- FAU-G Emulator, FAU-G PC is still a myth, no info available on these topics.
A Warning for All
This overall FAU-G announcement thing can be just a publicity stunt as well. Remember the FREEDOM 251 smartphone project, which was also an indigenous-make in India project, but it was proved to be a scam later. The FAU-G is giving me such kind of vibe already, especially due to the facts of the subtle announcement by a Tweet, copied image, and copied name. So, beware about it, and do not invest any money on pre-ordering the game if there any such thing appears. Fingers are crossed and I hope we will get some other updates if the project starts rolling at all.
Wrapping Up
It takes time to develop a new game from scratch and it takes hell lot of time and effort. Especially if the game is about to become the indigenously made PUBG alternative then the expected standards are damn high at all the aspects. So, yes it is going to be long before we see any real official trailer from the devs and the launch date is even further than the expectation of the most.
But surely as it is going to be an indigenously made game of India, the FAU-G is going to get millions of downloads at its initial days. But, then also the future lies upon the quality of the game and gameplay itself. We will keep you informing about any new updates on FAU-G.
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