Windows 11 or 10 free toolset PowerToys v0.41.3 released

Microsoft recently released the v0.41.2 version of the PowerToys tool. However, because of some stability issues/signature errors the developer has released a small update via v0.41.3, however, there is no update in terms of features.

This update mainly focuses on stability and optimization, but it also brings a brand new tool-Awake, which allows power users (Power-Users) to keep their computers awake now on demand.

Download PowerToys v0.41.3 for Windows 10 or 11

PowerToys v0.41.2 update includes a tool for renaming files, a keyboard manager and application launcher, image resizer, color picker, microphone mute, and more.

Key Changes

  • The shortcut key guide cancels the support for long-pressing the Win key to activate. Win +? Is now supported by default.
  • Turn off the magnetic capture function of FancyZones canvas editor to allow keyboard support.
  • Updated OOBE’s color picker GIF.
  • The obsolete MSIX code has been removed.
  • Upgrade all projects to Modern WPF 0.94.
  • Removed the support for module interface API to save settings.
  • Removed the dependency on WinStore.


General improvements

  • Improved the automatic update experience in PowerToys settings.
  • The general error report information has been updated to make it more robust.
  • Improved the layout of the radio button group. The image and menu of OOBE have been updated.
  • Localization update.


Awake utility

  • Added a new wake-up tool! Power users can now keep their computers awake on demand without having to manage their power settings.

Powertoys Awake Windows 11


Color picker

  • Improved the zoom function of the color picker.
  • Prevent duplicate colors from appearing in the selection history.
  • Improve user experience and better support keyboard navigation.
  • The description of the OOBE hotkey is corrected.

Color Picker Powertoy Windows 11



  • Full keyboard support for the main window and context of the FANCYZONES editor.
  • The new one supports faster layout selection, double-click the desired layout from the editor, automatically apply it and close the editor.
  • The new area activation behavior allows the user to grab the window to the center of the area closest to the cursor.
  • Added the process icon of FancyZones.
  • Fixed the problem of partitioning the minimized window.
  • Fixed some accessibility errors
  • It is now an independent exe, separated from the runner process.

FancyZones Powertoys Windows 11


File Explorer Add-Ons

  • Adjusted the line-breaking behavior of Markdown to make it less strict, so that the behavior of the add-on is more like the implementation of GitHub.

File Explorer Add on


Image Resizer

  • Fixed an error in the custom size option, that is, leaving the height/width value blank results in a 1 x 1 square pixel output. Now, the blank value is automatically adjusted to the set height/width.

Image Resizer Windows 11



  • Fixed the crash of File Explorer when running PowerRename.

Power Rename Windows 10


PowerToys Run

  • Fixed multiple crashing errors.
  • New unit converter plugin! Use the default activation phrase %% to activate in the query prompt. For example %% 10 ft in m.
  • New Windows settings plugin! Search for specific Windows settings in PowerToys Run, using the default activation phrase $ and the desired settings. For example: $ Add/Remove Programs or $ Device:.
  • The URL plug-in has been updated so that it can quickly launch the default browser with action keywords, which defaults to //.
  • Added remainder/modulus support for the calculator plug-in through the% operator.
  • Start faster from the improved Win32 program index.
  • The search text results now highlight the matching characters entered.

PowerToys Run

Settings / Welcome to POWER TOYS

  • Corrected the key binding information of the color picker.


Shortcut guide

  • Customize key bindings from the settings menu.
  • Move the shortcut key guide out of the running program to eliminate unnecessary interdependence.

Shortcut Guide Powertoys



  • Updated the dependency on .NET Core to 3.1.15.
  • By preventing the updater from downloading files that have been cached, network traffic consumption is reduced.

To download the latest PowerToy version, visit its Github page.